WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
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Friday, July 24, 2009



Preparing for our 2009 Fall Show Season takes a lot of planning during the summer months and much of what we do is based on class registration that occurs in the spring. The music is the easy part... writing the drill (choreography) is the tough part. Our drill is written for a specific number of students/instruments somewhat based on the commitment made during registration. Each student is assigned a specific field position with his/her own "playbook" for the entire show. A missing student creates a "break" (hole) in the visual picture being portrayed with the music.

Mr. Bosch has been working countless hours during the last month writing the drill. When a student doesn't fulfill his/her commitment to be in Band, we have one of three choices: 1 - Rewrite the drill, which is very costly and time-consuming OR 2 - March with a "hole" in the drill for the entire season, costing us valuable points not to mention additional time for rehearsal OR 3 - Find someone else to "fill" the hole (CMS student). Unlike some sports, we have no substitutes on the bench or on the sideline waiting for playing time.

For the past 17 years, I've worked with many WVHS students and parents, who just like you have wanted to be involved in several high school activities including marching band. At times, the task has seemed insurmountable, but solutions have always been found. Together, we've been able to be more creative than you can imagine. But, the key has been to communicate early and often.

So, for those parents and students who are new to our Band Program, please work with me. On paper, the commitment seems overwhelming, but it is very doable. Your child's experience in the West Valley High School Band will prove to be one of most important and rewarding in his/her high school years. Talk to you soon... thanks.

Jim Loucks, Band Director


Welcoming new Band Parents to Bandboosters!

To help new band parents learn a bit about the band program and the purpose of the Band Boosters, the following introduction is being reprinted from 2007. All that has changed is the Band has won tons more awards since then :-)

To see the quality of this band program, take a look at the list of awards won in recent years.

Your students work really hard to excel as the highest of high achievers.

But they and our band program need our support too - read this to learn more about the Band Boosters and all the fun activities that we do to support the music program.

High school band is quite a bit different than the middle school. Students begin rehearsals during the summer on both music and development of the Fall Field Show. Each Fall, high school bands from throughout the Northwest meet in competition at various venues. The WVHS Eagle Marching Band typically goes to four fall competitions plus other events during the year. These competitions may include any of:

* Cavalcade of Bands, Tri-Cities
* Pacific NW Marching Band Festival, Spokane
* Harvest Festival Marching Band Competition, Yakima
* Puget Sound Marching Band Competition, Everett
* Auburn Marching Band Festival, Auburn
* Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival Parade
* Armed Forces and Lilac Festival Parade, Spokane
* Auburn Veteran's Day Parade, Auburn
* Jazz festivals
* Concert band festivals
* Solo and ensemble festivals

Parents are most welcome and encouraged to attend any of these events. You will be amazed at the spectacle and quality of performances put on by high school students from throughout the Northwest.

To see some examples of your WVHS Band in competition, visit the WVHS Band Video Channel and scroll through the video list.

Please take a quick look at these photos from last year [Fall 2006] at Auburn Marching Band Festival, Auburn Veteran's Day Parade and winning at Everett, some other bands in Pasco last year and you will soon see why Band Boosters has so many enthusiastic parents!


Band Camp Dates!

Uncle Sam's Invitation


Band Camp at Camp White - Information

Dear WVHS Band Parents and Students:

Please find attached information for our upcoming Band Camp at Camp White in Post Falls, Idaho. This will be the third year we have gone there and it has been a huge success in the past as it will be this year. So, please take a look at the attachments and bring the filled out forms and payment on Monday, August 17. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Students, it's really important that you attend Band Camp... not only will the group benefit, but you'll get a better idea of what's so special about being a part of the West Valley High School Marching Band. It's contagious!

Athletes, schedule conflicts can be worked out... it's just an email away, so communicate soon and often. You can successfully participate in sports and band at WVHS! Unlike some sports, Band has no substitute players on the sidelines. Every band member is critical to the "team". So be pro-active and advise your Director and coaches early and often about potential conflicts so that issues can get resolved.

Parents, we cannot do it without you... your support is invaluable! Whether it's baking cookies for Camp White, loading the equipment truck, or sleeping on a comfy gym floor, you'll catch the fever and go through the withdrawal pains like we all do when there are no more evening rehearsals or weekend competitions. The "Eagle" Marching Band... it's obnoxiously contagious!

So, get involved and enjoy the trip of a lifetime... the fun begins on August 17th!!!

For you new parents and students, we have our Band Orientation/Barbeque on Friday, August 14, at WVHS beginning at 6:00 PM. More information later.


Jim Loucks, Band Director

Hand outs
If you have not received a copy of the field trip permission form or the Camp White information hand out, you may download those right here - these are in Microsoft Word .doc document format.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Band Car Wash Schedule

  • Friday, July 24 (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - Percussion
  • Saturday, July 25 (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - Full Band
  • Friday, July 31 (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - Full Band
  • Friday, August 7 (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - Jazz Band
  • Saturday, August 8 (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - Full Band
  • Saturday, August 22 (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM) - Full Band
(All students benefit from the funds raised at these car washes, so...)

Jim Loucks

Update: The schedule previously had the Friday car washes starting at 9 am. The correct start time for the Friday car washes is 11 am.

Thursday, July 02, 2009



We have an opportunity again this year to earn funds for our awesome band program by working in partnership with Kiwanis in the Longhorn booth at Pig Out at the Park and the Spokane Interstate Fair. Volunteers at these events typically take the customer's order, dish up their food, pour fountain drinks, etc. Longhorn employees cook the food and handle the money. Students are only allowed to work at the Longhorn booth if they are 16 years or older. All money earned by our band goes to the general fund.

The dates for Pig Out are Thursday, September 3rd - Monday, September 7th. Each day we need one person to work from 10:00 am-5:00 pm, one person from 11:30 am-5:00 pm and two people from 5:00-10:00 pm.

The Spokane Interstate Fair will be Friday, September 11th - Sunday September 20th. Shifts are from 11:00 am-5:00 pm, 12:00-5:00 pm, 5:00-10:00 pm, or 5:30-10:00 pm, depending on the day.

The more shifts we fill the more money we earn, so please plan to help out. To sign up for shifts, contact Diane Clinton at 892-5377 or e-mail ddclinton "at" hotmail.com.

Thank you for your support!

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