WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

Best viewed with browser set to full screen!

Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
Students & parents: Click here to add yourself to the WVHS Bands email list

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Reminder: Saturday, Oct 29th - 2011 West Valley Band and Color Guard Craft Fair

2011 West Valley Band and Color Guard Craft Fair
Saturday October 29th 9 - 4
West Valley High School
8301 E Buckeye Rd
Spokane, WA 99212

There will be around 60 crafters, a Bake Sale, Raffle, and activities for kids.
Please come and support the Band and the local Crafters.
You may even get a jump on your Christmas Shopping.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Help needed for upcoming Craft Fair - set up Oct 28th, Craft Fair on the 29th

The Craft is Oct. 29th. We need help from parents on Fri. Oct. 28th to help tape off the gyms and to assist the crafters in bringing their items into the gyms. Normally the band students help but they will be performing at the half time for the Football game. We will take a break to watch this last and final performance. Also we need items for the Bake Sale - suggested items:

  • Fall type Breads (banana, zucchini,pumpkin etc.)
  • Pumpkin Rolls
  • Puppy Chow
  • Spice or Pumpkin anything
  • Pies (apple, pumpkin, berry, pecan, etc.)
  • Specialty Cakes (preferable homemade)
  • Breads such as sourdough, braided etc.
  • Cookies(specialty/fancy decorated etc)
  • Candy (fudge, peanut brittle etc.)
  • Caramel corn
  • Caramel apples (decorated preferably but not necessary)
  • Trail Mix
  • Scones
  • Biscotti
  • Lemon Bars
  • Muffins
  • Donuts
We need your baked item brought to school on Fri. Oct. 29th or early Sat 29th before 8:00.
If you have any question please contact Heidi Weston 499-6183

If your baked item has any type of nuts as an ingredient it must be label as containing nuts.

Thank you for all your help this year West Valley Marching Band and Colorguard would not be able to do these events without everyone helping and cheering us on.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


West Valley HS Band & Color Guard Performance Video

This is from the 2011 Puget Sound Festival of Bands in Everett, Wa. Click on the "360p" in the viewer, then choose 720pHD for best quality and then click on the full screen icon.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Puget Sound Festival of Bands Preliminary Awards

29 bands performed.

AA Class
  • High Percussion AA Class caption award goes to West Valley-Spokane.
  • West Valley competed in the AA Division with a score of 64.35, which is 5th place AA.
  • 1st place in the AA Class went to Sultan High School.
A Class Top 3
  1. University HS - Spokane Valley, and caption awards for high visual effect, high music and high percussion.
  2. Ingraham 64.68
  3. Tumwater 60.58
AAA Class Top 3
  1. Wenatchee 84.93
  2. Black Hills 70.08
  3. West Valley-Yakima 69.08
OPEN Class Top 4
  1. Kamiak 85.23
  2. Mead 82.68
  3. Hanford 82.68
  4. Mt Spokane 75.05

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Oct 25th Awards Banquet rescheduled to Nov 15th

The Awards Banquet originally scheduled for Oct 25 has been moved to coincide with the Booster Meeting on November 15th.


Slight travel change to/from Everett; Revised Trip Handout available

Due to construction at Snoqualmie Pass, the district has recommended that we travel via Stevens Pass. So, on Sunday, we will be stopping in Leavenworth instead of Pike’s Market. The revised schedule is attached and the changes are marked in red. Leavenworth is always great, especially at this time of year!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Puget Sound Festival of Bands - Competition Schedule

If you are going to the PSFOB and wonder what schools will be performing, and when, the Festival has published a preliminary competition schedule on their web site (PDF) for all 29 bands.

West Valley, Mead, Mt Spokane and University High Schools will be performing as well as 25 others.


Puget Sound Festival of Band/Everett trip handout

You can download a PDF of the trip handout here.

Also, I (Ed) will be going to the the band festival and will be video taping their performance. In past years, I have often uploaded the performance video during the day. Since my band competition videos have become popular on YouTube, I have had special requests to be sure and tape various bands and I will not likely be able to do the upload on Saturday. Hopefully the performance video will be online late Sunday! ... Ed M.


Everett Schedule, Last MB performance on Oct 28th, Craft Fair and more

Just in case your “wonderful” child has not brought home the “orange-colored” schedule that I handed out this morning, you may want to ask them about it AND ground them for the rest of their lives if they forgot it at school. Also, for your convenience, I’ve attached it as a PDF file on our website.

Your “Eagle” Marching Band will be performing their “KA” show at the football game on Friday, October 28. We will march at halftime and you will want to be here and see the amazing results of our students hard work! They have made all of us really proud!!!

Our annual Craft Fair will be held at WVHS on Saturday, October 29, from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM. For more information, contact Shelley Cloy at shelleyc@slstart.com
Set up will be on Friday, October 28. (More information later)

The 2011 Marching Band Awards Night has been changed to Tuesday, November 15, at 6:00 PM. The evening will begin with a potluck supper, be followed by a “live” performance, and conclude with the annual awards presentation. You will not want to miss this event! (More information later)

Friday, October 14, 2011


WV Band and Color Guard Craft Fair - Sat October 29th

The West Valley Band and Color Guard would like to invite you to the 2011 West Valley Band and Color Guard Craft Fair. The Craft Fair will be on Saturday October 29th and will be open from 9-4. We have about 60 crafters right now and there is still room for more. The document explains the Craft Fair and there is a contract to fill out and return. If you have any questions about being a Crafter please call 509-928-6516.

Important Documents:

Sunday, October 09, 2011


Saturday's band competition and news photo

Spokesman-Review story on Saturday's band competition and a snapshot of the web site main page.

More photos.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


WV Takes 1st place AA division, plus 5 "Best" caption awards

WVHS took the following awards at the 2011 Cavalcade of Bands in Kennewick on October 1:

1st Place (AA)
Best Brass and Woodwinds (AA)
Best Percussion (AA)
Best Color Guard (AA)
Best Marching (AA)
Best General Effect (AA)

Saturday, October 01, 2011


WVHS Band will arrive back from the Tri-Cities around 11 pm

WVHS Band will arrive back from the Tri-Cities around 11 pm Saturday.

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