WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Band Concert, Tuesday, December 14th at 7 pm

There will be a band concert Tuesday, Dec 14th at 7 pm. More information when available.



More "Gift Wrap" Fundraiser dates

We have been given more gift wrap dates. All of these shifts are 6-9 pm. But all of these shifts are first come first serve so please let us know any shift you would like to work. We will turn it in and let you know if we get it. So there is a possibility that you may sign up for a shift and we may not get it just so you know, but please, please sign up if you can.

Also, Diane found out that they set the gift wrapping prices for $3.00, $5.00 or $7.00, depending on the size of the package. When people arrive for their shift, one "main" person checks in at the Concierge desk that's kind of in the middle of the street level, which is near Godiva Chocolate, Pottery Barn, etc.

Here are the dates - they are ALL 6-9 pm shifts:

Monday, November 29th
Tuesday, November 30th
Wednesday, December 1st
Thursday, December 2nd
Monday, December 6th (this is also CMS band concert night)
Tuesday, December 7th (this is the date we are probably going to have our Pampered Chef party)
Wednesday, December 8th
Thursday, December 9th
Friday, December 10th
Wednesday, December 15th
Thursday, December 16th

Thanks for you support!!

Sam Roderick


"Pampered Chef Party Fundraiser" for the band program

The date has been set for the Band Boosters Pampered Chef party. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 7th at 6:30 p.m. The party will be at Shelley Cloy's house in Northwood. Ari Wickwire will be emailing a detailed invitation to everyone. The invitation will also have information about ordering products on-line if you are unable to attend the party in person. The plan is to have products back to you by the week of Christmas. Remember, 90% of the proceeds from this party will go to the Vancouver trip fund, and 10% to the general fund.

Please contact Diane Clinton (892-5377) or Ari Wickwire (927-2135) if you have any questions.

Sam Roderick

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The 2010-2011 Basketball schedule is now available

Click here to download the PDF file.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Band Booster Meeting - Tues Nov 16th - All parents please attend

This is a reminder about the important Band Booster Meeting on Tuesday Nov 16th at 7pm in the band room.

We are asking all parents to come to the meeting. We will be talking about the Vancouver trip and the upcoming payment schedule. Along with talking and asking for ideas and help on how we can raise more money to help pay for the trip.

Please come if you can.

Sam Roderick

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