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Sunday, May 15, 2005



The Eagle Marching Band has won many awards for excellence.

The "Division" the band competes in varies by event and year. Typically, the division category refers to the size of the school - similar sized schools compete with one another. Small schools are usually in the 1A and 2A category. Larger schools are in the 3A and 4A categories. In other parts of the country, there is even a 5A category for extremely large schools.


Puget Sound Festival of Bands, Everett, WA
  • First Place, AA Division
  • Best Music
  • Best Percussion
  • Best General Effect
  • Best Visuals
  • Finalist, 10th out of all 29 bands, beating numerous larger schools

Yakima Harvest Festival Marching Band Competition
  • First Place, AA Division
  • Best Auxiliary

Cavalcade of Bands, Kennewick, WA
  • Second Place, AA Division
  • Best Brass and Winds
  • Best Percussion

Auburn Veteran's Day Parade
  • First Place, A Division, Auburn Veteran's Day Parade
  • First Place, A Division, Auburn Marching Band Festival
  • Caption Awards, A Division - Best Drum Majors, Best Music, Best Auxiliary
  • Best Overall Pit Setup Crew - out of all bands! (This is the parent-run field setup crew)

2006 Puget Sound Marching Band Festival - Everett, WA

  • First Place, 2A Division
  • Caption Awards, 2A Division - Best Overall Effect, Best Auxiliary

2006 Cavalcade of Bands - Pasco, WA

  • First Place, 2A Division
  • Caption Awards, 2A Division - Best Percussion, Best Brass, Best Woodwinds and Best Marching.

  • Selected by audition as one of only eight nationally selected high school marching bands to march in the National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade in Washington, D.C. in April 2006. The band marched down Constitution Ave; the event was televised live on the East Coast.
  • Best Music, Best Percussion (A) - Puget Sound Festival of Bands, Everett, WA
  • Best Marching-Individual, Best Drum Majors (AA) - Yakima Harvest Festival, Yakima, WA. 3rd place in AA division, just 15/100th of a point behind 1st - WV was in #3 at 67.55, #2 at 67.62 and #1 at 67.70.
  • Four WVHS Band students selected via audition to the All-State bands. The students are Rachel Cos (bassoon), Josh Johnston (tuba), Gavin Mitchell (trumpet) and Zach Slovarp (euphonium) plus two choral students, Cassandra Krum and Laura Larson.
  • Several WVHS music students selected to the All-State Solo and Ensemble Festival competition in Ellensburg, WA. (We need names!)
  • 1st Place, 3-A Division, Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival Parade (more information here).

  • 1st place Band (AAA) and Drill Team - Apple Blossom Parade
  • 2nd place Band (AA) - Apple Capital MB Festival
  • 1st place Band (A) and Best Marching/Brass/Woodwinds/Percussion/General Effect/Drum Majors/Flags (A) - Cavalcade of Bands
  • Sweepstakes and 1st Place - Band (AAA) and Best Marching/Music/Percussion/rum Majors/Color Guard (AAA) - Columbia Basin MB Festival
  • 1st Place - Parade (A) and 1st Place Field Show (A) and Best Marching/Best General Effect - Auburn, WA Veteran's Day Competition
  • Superior Rating (Wind Ensemble) - EWMEA Concert Band Festival
  • Excellent Rating (Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band) - CBC Band Festival
  • Ashley Belcher, Sara Dunbar, Bryce Hanson, Josh Johnston, Tiffany Knight, Gwen Mitchell, Alex Post, Michael Saylor - EWU Honor Band
  • Steve Foster, Joe Heale - EWU Honor Jazz Band
  • Ashley Belcher, Jennifer Claeson, Josh Johnston, 2nd place - EWMEA Regional Solo Festival
  • Krystal McCarthy, Zac Slovarp, 1st place - EWMEA Regional Solo Festival (qualified for State as regional champions)

  • 1st place - Band (AAA) and 1st place Drill Team (AAA) - Apple Blossom Parade
  • Excellent Rating (Wind Ensemble) - EWMEA Band Festival
  • Superior Rating (Wind Ensemble) - CBC Band Festival
  • Excellent Rating (Jazz Band) - CBC Jazz Unlimited Festival
  • Scott Alsperger, Sara Dunbar, Andrew Foquette, Bryce Hanson, Joe Heale, Josh Johnston - EWU Honor Band
  • Marched in "Parade of Parades" and "Victoria Day Parade" - Victoria, British Columbia. Televised live across Canada.

  • 1st place - Band (AAA) and 1st place - Percussion (AAA) and 1st Place - Color guard/drill team (AAA) - Lilac Festival Parade
  • 2nd place - Band (AAA) - Apple Blossom Parade
  • "Outstanding soloist award" - Lesley Hermann (bass), Amber Lenhart (Tenor Saxophone) - Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival
  • Superior Rating (Wind Ensemble) - EWMEA Band Festival
  • Excellent Rating (Wind Ensemble) - CBC Band Festival
  • Scott Alsperger (Clarinet)-2nd place and Lesley Hermann (Flute)-2nd place - EWMEA Regional Solo Festival
  • Amber Lenhart (Clarinet) - All-State Band

  • 1st place-Band (AAA) and 2nd place - Percussion (AAA) and 3rd place - Drill Team - Lilac Festival Parade
  • 1st place-Band (AAA) and 1st place - Drill Team (AAA) - Apple Blossom Parade
  • 3rd place - Band (A) - Puget Sound Festival of Bands
  • "Outstanding soloist award" - Evan Abel, Lesley Hermann, Erin Tullos - Lional Hampton Jazz Festival
  • "Outstanding soloist award" - Lesley Hermann - CBC Jazz Unlimited Festival
  • Molly Matthews - 1st place - EWMEA Regional Solo Festival (Qualified for WIAA/WMEA State Solo Festival as Regional Champion)
  • Justin Tullos - All-State Band
  • 2002 National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade, Washington, DC
  • "Salute to America" (click for video), recorded Sep 21, 2001, televised Oct 4, 2001 in New York. Portions televised on ABC's Good Morning America.

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