WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Results - 2011 NE Washington Regional Solo & Ensemble Festival Results

2011 NE Washington Regional Solo & Ensemble Festival Results... our Band students had an outstanding day at yesterday's competition with the following results:

1st Place - Percussion Ensemble (Eric Heale, Samantha McMillan, Sammy Roderick, Whitney Storch) - will be representing our region at the State Competition in Ellensburg in April
2nd Place - Snare Drum (Eric Heale) - 1st alternate to the state competition
2nd Place - Marimba (Savannah Hurd) - 1st alternate to the state competition
3rd Place - Flute (Beth Anderson) 2nd alternate to the state competition
Superior Rating - Flute Duet (Desirae Kivett, Brooklyn Robinson)
Superior Rating - Piano (Sean Cunningham)
Superior Rating - Clarinet Quartet (Kevan Cloy, Alex Durgeloh, Molly Wachtel, Alla Znovets)
Excellent Rating - Trumpet Trio (Kyle Hansen, Alex Hurd, Christian LaPlante)
Excellent Rating - Clarinet (Alex Durgeloh)
Excellent Rating - Alto Saxophone (Connor Henry)
Excellent Rating - Tenor Saxophone (Connor Gore-Rogers)

Congratulations to each student for a job well done AND best of luck Percussion Ensemble at state!

Jim Loucks
Director of Bands - West Valley High School

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Auction and Dance Committee meeting this Thursday @ 630 pm

We are having a Auction and Dance Committee meeting on Thursday Jan 27th at 6:30 pm in the Band Room.

Please come if you are on the Auction Committee or the Dance Committee.

Please come if you would like to help out with this fundraiser.

Thanks for your help!

Sam Roderick


WV Band Pampered Chef Fundraiser

If you missed the Pampered Chef Party last night you missed a great Party, and some good food, but it is not too late to still help out the band, and put some new stuff in your kitchen.

By following the directions below you can still order online and the band can still get a portion of the money spent.

People can still place orders through Monday by going to www.pamperedchef.biz/ConnieAndTina, click on "shop online", choose #1 (invited to a show) and typing in West Valley Band Boosters for the organization name. Kay Roderick will also come up under WVBB - they just need to click on the name and start shopping!

Thanks for your support!!

Sam Roderick

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


"Pampered Chef" Fundraiser coming up on January 25th

We have another Pampered Chef Fundraiser coming up on Tuesday January 25th at 6:30 pm. If you were not able to make the last one, or if you did, then here is another opportunity to get some good cooking items and help the band.

The party will be held at Kay Rodericks' apartment and she would like to have anyone interested in going to RSVP and let her know. They make food items so she needs to know how many people so she has enough food for everyone to try.

Please call Kay Roderick at 701-2274 if you are interested in going.

I also have a list of items that the band could use for cooking on the band trips. If you can not make it to the party but would like to buy an item for the band trips then let me know. This way the band gets an item to use and also a percentage of the cost back.

Thanks for your support!!
Sam Roderick

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Date change: The band lock-in date has changed to February 4th

This new date has been confirmed.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Band Booster Meeting: Tuesday, January 18th at 7 pm

This is a reminder that we will be having our Band Booster Meeting on Tuesday January 18th at 7pm in the band room.

We will be discussing the following.
  • Upcoming Fundraisers
  • Trip Information
  • Trip Payments
Please come if you can. We need everyone to make the boosters work.

Sam Roderick


Band "Lock IN" date changed

The Lock IN that was moved to Friday January 21st. All students should be aware of this. Just wanted to forward this to make sure parents knew also.

Update: The above is from an email I received last week. I've since heard from students that the revised date is February 4th. I am seeking official confirmation and will provide more information when available.

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