WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

Best viewed with browser set to full screen!

Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
Students & parents: Click here to add yourself to the WVHS Bands email list

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Basketball Games Playoff Schedule

Both the Girl's and Boy's have qualified for the State Basketball Tournament in Yakima. Here's the playoff schedule for our Pep Band next week:

Girl's Team - Plays next Friday, March 5, at 6:00 PM (Central Valley High School) - #1 or #2 seed to State
Boy's Team - Plays next Friday, March 5, at 8:00 PM (Central Valley High School) - #1 or #2 seed to State

We will take a bus to Central Valley High School for the games on Friday. The State Tournament will begin on Wednesday, March 10, at the Sun Dome in Yakima. More information next week.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


WV Band Booster President to receive Avista Award

Sam Roderick, West Valley Band Boosters President, has been award the Avista Community MVP Award for his volunteer work as a Scout leader, Soccer coach, Key Captain for Hoopfest and more.

He will be presented with this award prior to the Spokane Chiefs Hockey game on Saturday, February 27th.

Congratulations Sam!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Professional Photos from the Puget Sound Festival of Bands

The Festival had a professional photographer take photos of bands and students at the Puget Sound Festival of Bands, held in Everett, WA last October.

Photos can be reviewed and ordered at the photographer's web site - or you can directly to the WVHS Band page to preview the photos. (WVHS and Band Boosters have no connections to the photographer.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Band Booster Meeting Summary

For those of you that were not able to make it to the meeting on Tuesday night. Here is some information that was covered.

Band Trip 2011. The band will be going to Vancouver BC at the end of May 2011. This sounds like a wonderful trip and experience for the kids. There will be competitions and a Parade that the kids will participate in along with many other activities. The cost of the trip will be between $650-$700 per student/adult. Information about the trip was given to the students on Wednesday. If you have any questions please contact Jim or myself.

Auction...March 20th 6-8:30...please be working on securing your items. This is one of the best ways to get money into your students account to pay for the trip. We ask each family to secure at least 3 items. You can always bring many more. Please turn them in as soon as you get them, because we have the band auction website set up and want to list the items out there. Please go to www.wvbandauctions.com and check out the website. Sign up for Parents to help at the auction will be at the next booster meeting on March 16th.

Other fund raising activities...the boosters voted to do a candle sale after the Auction. Items can be sold and we will try to coordinate this around a Mothers Day theme. The candles are $10 dollars and $4.50 of that will go back into your students account for each candle sold. This is an easy way to make some money for the trip. Sell 145 candles and the trip is paid for. :-)

Many eighth grade students and parents were at the meeting to hear about the trip. It was nice to see that many eighth graders excited to be in the band!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.

See you at the next Band Booster meeting on Tuesday March 16th at 7:00 pm.

Sam Roderick
Band Booster President

Jim will be taking the Band Trip to Vancouver proposal information to the WV High School, WV School District, and the School Board for approval.

Once all of those approvals have been given then the trip is ON...I got a little ahead of myself...sorry. :-)
I will keep you posted on that approval process.
Thanks again!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


West Valley Band Auction Web Site

Students at Spokane Valley High School have set up a West Valley Band Auction web site. The web site will list items available at the upcoming March 20th band auction.

You can visit the preliminary web site here: http://wvbandauction.org

Monday, February 15, 2010


Band Booster Meeting, Tuesday, Feb 16th @ 7pm

The next Band Booster meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb 16th at 7 pm in the band room.


General Business
Auction Update

Mr. Loucks
2011 Band Trip (Hawaii, San Diego or Vancouver/Victoria, British Columbia)
(Your input is needed in order for me to get school district approval)

Open Questions

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Band Auction - March 20th - 6 pm

The Band Auction is coming on March 20th from 6:00-8:30pm. We need your Auction Items turned in as soon as possible!!

This year we will have a website set up telling about some of our items. You will be able to direct friends and family members to the website to see some of the items available for bidding. In order to take full advantage of the web site we need to know what items we have. :-)

Your child will be given a procurement form today in their band class. The procurement package will include an information sheet an Item form and a letter that can be used.

In order for our auction to be successful we need everyone to bring in items. We are asking each family to procure at least 3 items for the auction.

Please get out there and get your items and get them to us as soon as possible.

Diane Clinton will be holding the items until the Auction. If you already have your items and want to turn them in you can do the following.

Get the procurement form from your child and fill it out. You can either email me or Diane to let us know your item is ready, and we will coordinate how to get your item, or your child can bring it into school and give it to Mr Loucks. He will let us know and we can get the item. It is very important to fill out the procurement form so we know what student brought in the item and gets proper credit for it.

If you have any questions please email me or come to the Band Booster Meeting this month on Tuesday Feb 16th at 7pm.

This is one of the ways your child can get money into their student account to pay for a trip or band activities.

Thanks for your support of the WV Band!!
Sam Roderick

Sunday, February 07, 2010


Band Events Calendar for February to March

The Calendar for February through March band activities is now available.

View in your browser or download/view in your PDF viewer or MS Word document viewer.

Friday, February 05, 2010


Auction Committee Meeting

The Auction Committee will be meeting on Monday, February 8th at 6 pm in the Band Room. All committee members are asked to attend - however, this is open to all others who can help with the upcoming auction. Contact Sam Roderick with questions.

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