WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Friday, December 17, 2010


Nice story on Eastern Washington University Marching Band

EWU is off on break - but they still have a football game on Friday evening and are missing their marching band. Saying the games are just not the same without the EWU marching band, EWU has enlisted faculty, alumni and local high school students to field a 100+ member band this Friday.
And if you have not seen this "viral video" of the University of Hawaii Marching Band half time "kick" from this past week - then take a look:

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Important! The Dec 14th concert has been re-scheduled!!!

The December 14th Concert has been re-scheduled to January 10th 7pm in the WVHS Theater.

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