WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
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Thursday, April 29, 2010


Wenatchee Parade Schedule

The Wenatchee Parade Schedule and hand out are available - the PDF version has the better formatting for printing out:

Friday, April 23, 2010


Seattle's "Honk Fest West" Marching Band Festival

This year marked the 3rd annual "Honk Fest West" festival of, well, kind of, marching bands. Sort of. Over two dozen "street marching bands" from around the U.S. and Canada converged on neighborhoods of Seattle and sometimes marched, but mostly just played. The event took place on April 9th to 11th in Seattle.

I could not attend but I've enjoyed watching some YouTube videos. A sampling follows - enjoy.

From the 2010 event:
From the 2009 event:
The above is only a tiny sample. More videos are available on YouTube if you search for "honk fest west" or "honk fest 2010" or "honk fest seattle". The other "honk fest" is "Honk Fest East" in Boston.

The same weekend, a staggering 800 people staged a "flash mob" dance in the streets of Seattle. This is quite amazing.
And heck, here is last years Gas Works Park percussion jam section. This is fun.

Enjoy! ... Ed

Thursday, April 22, 2010




The West Valley School District Board of Directors has approved the following WVHS Band activities for the 2010-2011 school year…

Band Camp @ Camp White (Post Falls, Idaho) – August 17 thru August 20 (more info later)

Band Trip to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia – May 2011

We will be having a MANDATORY Parent/Student Meeting on Tuesday, June 1, at WVHS in a room to be decided. This meeting is for all returning Band students as well as all new students (incoming freshmen and others) joining the WVHS Band. We will be discussing the 2011 Trip as well as Band activities for the entire year. Important information will be passed out. We will need a $50.00 Trip Deposit (Check made out to WV Band Boosters or cash) at this meeting. Returning students may deduct this payment from their student accounts if the funds are available.

See you on June 1.

Jim Loucks, Band Director

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Chaperones needed for Wenatchee Trip

The Wenatchee trip is fast approaching. The students and buses will be leaving on Friday April 30th between 2:30 and 3:00pm.

These will be charter buses. The band will be staying in a local school Friday night and then performing in the Apple Bloosom Parade Saturday and then returning home Saturday Evening.

We are looking for 10 Chaperones some to ride the bus and some to be in Wenatchee to help if possible.
Here is what we have right now.

Shelley Cloy- In Wenatchee - Uniforms
Cari Roderick- Riding the bus- Uniforms

The band boosters will also be providing one breakfast for the kids so we will need help coordinating that.

Several others have mentioned going but we need to finalize a list, so please email me if you are going to be there or want to ride the bus so we can get it all figured out.


Sam Roderick

Monday, April 19, 2010


Reminder: April 20th Pops Concert and Band Booster Meeting

Reminder that the Pops concert and Band Booster Meeting is tomorrow Tuesday April 20th @ 6:30pm in the WV Theater.

Please remember if attending we would like each family to bring a dessert like a half to a dozen of cookies or like dessert.

Thanks and we will see you there!

Sam Roderick


6:30- 7 Pops Concert
7- 8 Booster meeting

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Volunteer helpers needed for Spaghetti Dinner this coming Saturday!

I am looking for some help with the Fiddlers Spaghetti Dinner this Saturday Night. Here are the times and number of people needed. Please let me know if you can help.

The dinner will be served from 4-6:30 and then we will need to help with cleanup.

8am-12pm 2 people to sell Dinner tickets to people attending the contest.

12pm-4pm 2 people to sell Dinner tickets to people attending the contest.(if we get enough volunteers we could make these 2 hours shifts)

4pm- till done 8-10 people to help serve the food, take money, and help clean up tables

Please let me know if you can help with any of these shifts. The dinner tickets are $5 apiece.

The fiddlers contest does cost to get into, but workers will get in for free.

Any question please email or call me.

The money from this fund raiser will go 10% to general fund and the rest will go into a trip fund to help offset the cost of our up coming trip.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Sam Roderick

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