Thursday, April 22, 2010
The West Valley School District Board of Directors has approved the following WVHS Band activities for the 2010-2011 school year…
Band Camp @ Camp White (Post Falls, Idaho) – August 17 thru August 20 (more info later)
Band Trip to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia – May 2011
We will be having a MANDATORY Parent/Student Meeting on Tuesday, June 1, at WVHS in a room to be decided. This meeting is for all returning Band students as well as all new students (incoming freshmen and others) joining the WVHS Band. We will be discussing the 2011 Trip as well as Band activities for the entire year. Important information will be passed out. We will need a $50.00 Trip Deposit (Check made out to WV Band Boosters or cash) at this meeting. Returning students may deduct this payment from their student accounts if the funds are available.
See you on June 1.
Jim Loucks, Band Director