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Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Kudos from DC

Jim Loucks received an email message from another band director from Western Washington who happened to be on the group 1 flight to Seattle. He asked that I share that note here, anonymously, so I have removed identifying information, but otherwise have reproduced it in roughly the formatting in which it was received.

Way to go, Eagles …


I just wanted to compliment you on the behavior of your students. My family and I rode home on the plane with you and your kids yesterday. I believe we were with the juniors/seniors. They were very friendly and courteous especially nearing the end of a long, tiring trip. I wish we could have seen them in the parade. I'm sure they sounded great and showed great "Eagle Band" pride.

I teach band at ********* in the ******** School District and we are also the Eagles. I've been teaching 17 years and it always brings a smile to my face when I see a nice bunch of music students. Congratulations on your trip and thanks again for making my families' trip home a pleasant one.


You made all of us VERY proud!

(I was on the Group 2 flight and the same can be said for the freshmen and sophomores... Ed)

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