WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
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Monday, May 15, 2006


2006 Apple Blossom Festival Scores

2006 Apple Blossom Festival Scoring Sheet shows scores by band and category for all bands. I am not certain how to interpret all the scores but it kinda looks to me like WV took about 2nd out of 22 bands, and first in the 3A division (even tough WV is a 2A school). Great job!

Five photos from the Wenatachee Apple Blossom Festival have been added to the photo gallery. Click on the pictures at left of this page to go directly to the photo gallery.

2006 Apple Blossom Festival Parade

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