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Saturday, October 14, 2006


Pacific NW Band Championships - Spokane

To watch the online video of the performance: Go here and follow the instructions.

WVHS Marching Band performed twice - once in prelims, and then again when all bands also performed in finals.

The morning performance was described by all participants as weak and lacking in energy and enthusiasm.

But the band that performed in the evening was an entirely new band - great job students! The audience loved the show!

More information on the Albi Scoring
1) Of the 15 bands that performed, only 7 of those raised their prelim score during finals
2) 4 of the 7 were from our AA division ;;; the toughest division
3) WVHS was one of those to raise their score
4) Our division (the nominal "2A") actually consisted of 2-AAAA, 2-AAA, and 2-AA schools based on WIAA classifications
5) The top 3 scores in our division were higher than the winning score in AAA
6) WVHS was the smallest high school to compete ... pretty tough odds

Not our band but ... this is most of the McGrath High School Band from McGrath, Alberta. Their high school - just 135 students - hopes to start a marching band next year. Many of the band students came down to see the marching bands in performance. They cheered on WVHS for us! (This photo is spliced from two photos so one person appears sort of twice.)

Acres and acres of buses, trucks, and equipment fill up the staging area:

Band parents staff the BBQ grill to feed hungry band students after their evening performance:

Band members and band parents wait for the BBQ line:


Other Chuck Mangione related performances

While you are waiting for the video - you could watch some other school's videos of Chuck Mangione marching band performances:
Cabot High School - 5 A Division (Great flugelhorn and guitar duet! Decent video too, but a bit noisy on the audio - definitely worth watching)

Bella Vista Marching Band rehearsal, August, 2006. Um, okay, sorry for the link.

And here's Chuck himself playing Feels So Good! And here he is playing Give All You've Got.

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