WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Friday, June 06, 2008


2008 Fall Show Music - June 9th!!

2008 Fall Show Music to Be Unveiled on Monday, June 9

All Centennial Middle School 8th grade Band students AND ANY OTHER STUDENTS (in-district or transfer students) who are enrolling next fall in the award-winning West Valley High School "Eagle" Marching Band need to attend three special "O" Hour rehearsals next week to begin learning our show music.

Here's the schedule:

Monday, June 9: 6:50 - 7:45 AM (WVHS Band Room)
Tuesday, June 10: 6:50 - 7:45 AM (WVHS Band Room) - CMS Jazz Band will not be at WVHS
Wednesday, June 11: 6:50 - 7:45 AM (WVHS Band Room)

All CMS students need to provide their own transportation to WVHS and Bus #5 will take all of you back to CMS at the end of each rehearsal. In addition to receiving copies of the music, a summer schedule will be passed out and a CD recording of the music may also be available.

Finally, if any of you have friends who have not signed up for the WVHS Band next year and are planning to, they need to attend these rehearsals, as well. So, recruit them into our family!

I'm looking forward to another great year! See you on Monday morning.

Jim Loucks, Band Director

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