WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008


Competition Scores

Preliminary Competition Scores

25 high school bands performed (two in exposition performances).

Top 12 from Preliminary Competition
1. Central Valley 78.285 AAA-Open
2. Mead 78.215 AAA-Open
3. Cascade 76.6 AAA-Open
4. Mt Spokane 73.8 AAA-Large
5. Cheney 70.9 AA
6. Wenatchee 70.4 AAA-Large
7. West Valley 68 AA
8. University 67.9 AAA-Small
9. Central Kitsap 65.9 AAA-Small
10. Capitol 65.7 AAA-Small
11. Eisenhower 63 AAA-Large
12. Clarkston 57.8 AA
* The prelim list may not be 100% accurate.

Final Competition Scores
1. Central Valley 79.3 *** SWEEPSTAKES winner
2. Mead 78.6
3. Cascade 76.9
4. Mt Spokane 74.4
5. Wenatachee 73.1
6. Cheney 70.9
7. West Valley 70.4 - West Valley - Yakima
8. West Valley 68.3 - West Valley - Spokane
9. Hanford 67.3
10. Central Kitsap 66.9
11. University 66.49
12. Capitol 64.4

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