WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009



Congratulations to our Band students for their outstanding performances at the 2009 State Solo & Ensemble Festival, which was held this weekend in Ellensburg (CWU). Here are the results:

1 - Corey King (Snare Drum) - received three (3) Superior ratings (This is the highest you can get!!!)

2 - Chris Babinski (French Horn) - received an overall rating of Excellent

3 - Woodwind Quintet (Kimber Alsperger/Chris Babinski/Mark Casteel/Ashley Cato/Jeannie Vaughn) - received three (3) Excellent ratings

This is a head-to-head competition between the 22 Regional Champions in each instrumental category. Just imagine, you get one chance to perform at the highest level possible against the best musicians in the state of Washington ... there's no margin for error ... that's pressure!!!

Thank you, students, for a job well done.

Jim Loucks, Band Director

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