Friday, November 20, 2009
Football Playoff information; Bandbooster meeting Next Week
1 – Football Playoff Game
Saturday, November 21 (Tomorrow)
Meet at WVHS (2:45 PM)
Leave from WVHS (3:00 PM)
Game at Gonzaga Prep (4:00 PM)
Return to WVHS (by 7:00 PM)
***Must wear new Band Shirt or buy a ticket***
(Bring jackets, blankies , umbrellas, etc.)
NOTE: If we win Saturday’s game, we will have a semi-final playoff game somewhere next weekend (Friday or Saturday – Thanksgiving break), and will take a smaller Pep Band (one bus). More information on Monday.
2 – Band Booster Meeting
Tuesday, November 24
WVHS Band Room (7:00 PM)
***Very important decisions to be voted on***