WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Also visit WV Beginning Bands and Centennial MS Bands
Students & parents: Click here to add yourself to the WVHS Bands email list

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Yakima Harvest Festival Detailed Band Schedule

The detailed schedule and info on money needed for meals is now available:
Reminder - Parents - if you go to watch, please take some still photos or video to share with us if you can. You can send still photo and short video clips from your cell phone or smart phone to bandboosters "at" wvbands.org

You can also send a text message with scores and awards to bandboosters "at" wvbands.org

And we will get those posted on the web site.

If you have some video, send an email to let us know and we will arrange a way to get a copy. Thank you!

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