Sunday, August 14, 2011
Band Camp starts on Monday at 7:45 am in the Band Room
Orientation Meeting tonight at 6:00 PM - enter through the Gym entrance
Mandatory for one parent and the student - paperwork needs to be signed by both
Band Camp Fee of $110.00 needs to be paid (Includes trip to Silverwood)
Begins tomorrow morning at 7:45 AM in the Band Room
It's important that we begin on time
Wear tennis shoes and dress comfortably
Jim Loucks
Director of Bands - West Valley High School
8301 E. Buckeye
Spokane, WA 99212
509.922.5488 (ext. 2041)
Orientation Meeting tonight at 6:00 PM - enter through the Gym entrance
Mandatory for one parent and the student - paperwork needs to be signed by both
Band Camp Fee of $110.00 needs to be paid (Includes trip to Silverwood)
Begins tomorrow morning at 7:45 AM in the Band Room
It's important that we begin on time
Wear tennis shoes and dress comfortably
Jim Loucks
Director of Bands - West Valley High School
8301 E. Buckeye
Spokane, WA 99212
509.922.5488 (ext. 2041)