WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Saturday, March 03, 2012


WV Band Auction and Dinner Tickets Announcement

To West Valley Band and Colorguard Parents:

Monday March 5th
Band Auction and Dinner Tickets will be available for your student at zero hour. You are encouraged to sell as many Auction & Dinner Tickets as you can to friends and family that will come and support West Valley Band & Colorguard Fundraiser. Price is $20.00and includes admission to the Auction catered dinner by Luigi’s Italian Restaurant as successful Auction and Fundraiser for the members of the West Valley Band and Colorguard-it is all for our students. Seating is limited for Auction & Dinner so get your tickets early.

REMINDER: Please get your Auction Items to Diane Clinton or Shelley Cloy as soon as possible. There is a lot of time and effort involved into recording your items and registering into Auction Tables.

March 7th
Spokane Shock Tickets order and money due.

March 7th
Band Auction Committee Meeting at the school 6:30pm. We truly are in need of more parents to volunteer to help with the Auction & Dinner. We will have sign up sheets available in Band Room and at the meetings. These Fundraisers will give parents and students the opportunity to raise money to be placed on your students account to pay for their participation in the Band Program.

March 12th
Shock Game 7:00pm at the Arena West Valley Band & Colorguard & Cheerleaders & Dance Team performing at Half Time.!!!!

Decorations Committee:
Assembling Items in Baskets:
Set Up:
Servers: Students will be serving dinner need a parent to organize and supervise.
Silent Auction Table Helpers
Live Auction Table Helpers
Greeters and Coat check:
Preparing Coffee: Tea: IceWater: Punch:
Clean Up:
Registration Table
Check Out Table
Raffle Box
Golden Bucket Drum Raffle

March 13th
Money for sold Auction & Dinner tickets due & unsold tickets.!!! IMPORTANT: We need and accurate count for caterers Luigi’s Italian Restaurant.
March 13th Band Auction Meeting at 6:30pm at the school.

REMINDER: For those of you who are interested we are again having the Instant Wine Cellar if you wish to donate a bottle of wine please make arrangement with Ari Wickwire 868-7732.

March 20th
Band Auction Meeting before Band Boosters Meeting at 5:30pm at the school.

March 20th
Band Boosters Meeting at 7:00pm at the school.

MARCH 24th
Band Auction & Dinner at 5:30pm Millwood Presbyterian Church 3223 N. Marguerite Rd.

Any questions or suggestions Please Call.

Thank You
Patty Storch

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