WVBANDS.ORG: The West Valley High School Bands web site - wvbands.org - is independently run by parent volunteers and does not use District resources or facilities. The West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, WA, has no responsibility for the content of this web site.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Important Band Announcements

Congratulations to the "Eagle" Marching Band, Color Guard, Dance Team and Cheerleaders for their outstanding performance in the 2012 Lilac Festival Parade, which was held on Saturday, May 19. Our students received the prestigious "Lilac Gold Standard" Award, given to those Bands who received a Superior Rating in at least 8 of the 11 categories. This is the third consecutive year that WVHS has received this award. Way to go, students!

Our annual All-District Festival of Bands Concert will be held in the WVHS Main Events Gym on Wednesday, May 23, beginning at 7:00 PM. All three of the district's award-winning Marching Bands will be performing, as well as, each Band from WVHS, Centennial Middle School, and the district-wide Beginning Band. It should be a very entertaining evening that you won't want to miss.

A Concert Band class has been added to the curriculum for the 2012-2013 school year. This class will be a non-auditioned Band for students with less experience or for those who desire to switch musical instruments. This is great news and will help in improving the entire Band Program at West Valley High School. The Wind Ensemble will continue to meet during "O" Hour and the new class will meet during 4th Period. More details will be provided in the very near future.

The West Valley High School Marching Band has two staff openings for the 2012 Marching season:
  • Color Guard Instructor
  • Drum Line Instructor
If you know of someone interested and with previous experience, please have them send their resume to: jim.loucks at wvsd dot org

Interviews will begin the first week of June. Deadline for applying is Friday, June 1.

Jim Loucks
Director of Bands - West Valley High School

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